YOKISTAR offers a high quality water based paint spray booth that will allow you to paint automobiles quickly and efficiently. Painting solutions from YOKISTAR are energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and equipped with a wide range of safety measures. The Water Based Paint Spray Booth consists of:
Paint Booths (2 units)
Mixing Room (1 unit)
Full ramps and full grilles
This combination of units delivers a highly-efficient water based spray painting system which allows for perfect coverage. The configuration of hangers provides the painter with an opportunity to perform quality small painting jobs. Specifications Utilizing YOKISTAR painting technologies allows you to achieve perfect finish on any surface. The Water Based Spray Paint Booth is specifically designed to provide a perfect environment for the application and drying of eco-friendly water-based paints. The structure of the booth ensures that the paintwork is free of contaminants.
Precise Temperature Control Technology The booths of this painting station are equipped with temperature control technology. This feature is necessary for: Ensuring even paint flow and distribution. Increasing the efficiency of the drying process.
Using the correct temperature settings increases the durability of paintwork because it allows paint molecules to bind to the surface better. Note that you will need to consider the type of the material and paint to provide the highest quality finish.
Full Ramps & Full Grilles Basement Full ramps and full grilles ensure that the car can be moved in and out of the booth with ease, thereby adding to the overall efficiency of the painting station.
Paint Mixing Room The mixing room provides a perfect environment for the painter. It's clean, well-ventilated, and well-lit, so the painter can work comfortably and efficiently. These characteristics make the room a great place for painting work. Aside from being comfortable and well-designed for the job, the mixing room is also safe as YOKISTAR provides every painting cabin with the highest quality safety measures that reduce the risk of accidents.
Heated Air Make Up and Air Exhaust Units The Heated Air Make Up and Air Exhaust units necessary to provide efficient air circulation within the booth and increase the speed of the drying process are located at the rear of the cabin. This particular placement allows for most space efficiency. One of the advantages of this water based spray painting station is its convenient size.
Waterbased Paints Drying System This Water Based Paint Spray Booth from YOKISTAR is equipped with an advanced and highly efficient Water Based Paint Drying System. The system's design is unique, with the nozzles installed in the lighting fixtures. This configuration ensures that air drops down efficiently, providing even drying for every painted part of the car.
Movable Hanger There is a movable hanger inside the cabin that can be used to perform small paint jobs quickly and efficiently.
* More information about Waterbased Paints Drying System......
Note that YOKISTAR designs four styles of Waterborne Paint Drying Systems that can be installed in a paint booth. This type of system can be used during both spraying and baking stages.
If used while spraying, the system will push the air down the car and through the booth towards the extraction unit.
If used during baking, the Waterborne Paint Drying System will ensure that the hot air reaches the painted surface faster. This will effectively reduce the curing time.